
The Fresher Fayre

迎新日的免費薄餅. The free pizza at fresher fayre

我的荷蘭跟希臘朋友, 同住在13樓. My friend on 13 Floor.

大學欖球賽. The football match!


First night out with trafalgar people

My Trafalgar mates, the first night out to Waterhole bar at the student union and Liquid.

The University hoodie, very expansive 32pound.


First day at school

very close to my student hall, the Guildhall square. 宿社附近的大廣場, 很美呢!

First day at school, cheerful. 上課第一天, 很熱鬧呢!


Day Four & Five

First time at Portland building

First time at Langton Hall football field.


third day

early morning at 5am today from my window. 今早凊晨5點

day time. 日景

my room. 我的房間

my desk. 我的桌子

my bathroom. 廁所

my kitchen. 廚房

front door. 大門